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Skidmore College
English Department

Student Learning Goals

Commencement 2019

Below are the departmental learning goals mapped to College-wide goals for student learning.

Goals and Expectations for the English Major (IVa,b,c,d)*

*我们的信念是,转型工作(IV)可以发生在我们的各个层面 课程,促进每一个划定的目标和期望,即 follow here. Thus, this document begins (above) by foregrounding this mapped connection.

EN 105

在这一学期的课程中,学生将学习以下内容 objectives to begin their development as college writers. Mastery of these skills, however, is a lifelong process that continues beyond our one-class requirement. Through 通过与课程主题的写作和互动练习,学生将学会如何进行 to

  • Compose essays that are organized to support a strong thesis.
  • Integrate various types of appropriate evidence to frame or support a discussion, claim, or argument.
  • 批判性地、仔细地阅读散文——他们自己的和同学的——并提出建议 constructive criticism about the choices authors make.
  • Develop a range of effective, flexible, and individual techniques to draft, edit, and revise a text.
  • Write and revise sentences with particular attention to grammar and style.
  • 将火博体育写作的课程应用到学术问题和现实生活中 the classroom.

EN 110 

Students should begin to demonstrate the ability to:

  • 在文学研究的范畴内,提出火博体育如何阅读和写作的问题. (Ia, IIa)
  • Read closely and to attend to the complexity of language. (IIa, IIb)
  • 对作者的形式选择提出问题,并从模式中得出推论 (of language, verse, imagery). (Ib, IIa, IIb)
  • Craft and support a thesis. (IIa, IIc)
  • 认识历史和文化背景及其对文学意义的影响. (Ib, IId, IIIb)
  • 参与与课程文本和问题相关的二次阅读. (IIb, IIIc)
  • 通过积极倾听和适当的信息贡献促进课堂对话. (IIe, IIIc)

and familiarity with:

  • The conventions of specific genres. (Ia, IIb)
  • Literary terms. (Ia, IIb)
  • Critical perspectives, methods, and theories. (Ia, Ic, IIb, possibly IIId)
  • The conventions of written literary analysis and documentation. (Ic, IIb)
  • Periods of literary history. (Ib, IIb, IIIa, IIIb)
  • Library resources. (Ic, IIb, IIIc)

200 Level

除了在100个层面上制定更复杂的目标之外, students in literature courses should demonstrate the ability to:

  • Situate a text in relation to forms/genres/literary periods. (Ib, IIa, IIIb)
  • Read against a text, that is, to question its ideological or social assumptions. (IIa, IIIa, IIIc)
  • Define a topic independently. (IIa, IIe, possibly IIIa)
  • 参与其他评论家和学者的工作,无论是在课堂讨论和书面 work. (IIa, IIc, IIe)
  • Carry out basic research appropriate to literary studies. (Ia, IIb, possibly IIId)

Students in creative writing courses should demonstrate the ability to:

  • 批评专业写作和工作,他们的同行在车间设置. (IIa, IId, IIe)
  • 写小说、诗歌和散文,在适当的惯例下表现流畅. (IIa, IIc)

300 Level

除了在中列出的目标中发展出更复杂的东西之外 100级和200级,文学课程的学生应该表现出以下能力:

  • Read and interpret a work of literature independently. (Ic, IIa, IIc)
  • Sustain a complex argument. (Ic, IIa, IIc, IIe)
  • Conduct research in support of a sustained analytical paper. (Ic, IIb, IIc)

Students in creative writing courses should demonstrate the ability to:

  • Write with technical sophistication in relation to formal conventions. (Ic, IIa, IIc, IIe)

Capstone Experience

Students in capstone courses will:

  • Take the initiative to plan and organize their projects. (Ic, IIa, IIb, IIc, IId, IIe)
  • Work independently to sustain projects through their various stages. (Ic, IIa)
  • 在已经完成的工作的基础上,提出一个综合和反思的主要项目 in the major. (IIIa, IIIc)
  • 表现出对项目更广泛的批评或艺术背景的认识 being completed. (Ib, IId, IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, possibly IIId)
  • 参加一个由你期待的其他作家和艺术家组成的社区 to critique in an engaged and constructive way. (IIIc, IIId)

Information Literacy

Our students develop facility with information as they move through the 100, 200, and 300 levels, a developmental arc that culminates with their capstone. We narrate 学生将能够区分各种不同的 classification schemes, literary forms, and aesthetic categories; will develop the 能够评估二手资料的优点,并将其合并为书面资料 work and oral presentation; will be able to decipher scholarly arguments and enter the “conversation” among scholars on a select topic; will be able to create bibliographies and document properly; will be able to navigate the proliferation of “knowledge” in global and digital contexts. These are our learning outcomes pertaining to information 扫盲,以及我们专业内的各种课程向我们的学生介绍这些,或者 reinforce them and permit opportunities for practice; demonstration of mastery is expected at the exit level (aka. the capstone). (Ia, Ic, IIb, IIIc)

Visual Literacy

Our students develop facility with visual materials as they move through the 100, 200, and 300 levels, a developmental arc that culminates with their capstone. We narrate 这样的发展弧线:学生将能够近距离阅读视觉对象 a range of media; will be able to analyze visual objects in relation to differences in medium; will be able to analyze the social and political means of visual objects; will be able to situate visual objects within cultural and historical frameworks; 能够理解视觉材料在塑造意义中所起的作用 of written text. These are our learning outcomes pertaining to visual literacy, and 我们专业的各种课程向我们的学生介绍这些知识,或者加强这些知识 and permit opportunities for practice; demonstration of mastery is expected at the exit level (aka. the capstone). (Ia, Ib, IIb, IId, IIIc)

Technology Literacy

我们的学生在100年,200年和 300 levels, a developmental arc that culminates with their capstone. We narrate that 学生将能够使用技术作为研究的辅助手段 (navigating databases, digital archives, searchable texts, citation software); will be able to assess the credibility of online information; will be able to collaborate and communicate digitally (file-sharing systems, discussion forums, blogs); will be able to distinguish technologies of form (graphic narratives, hypertexts, history of print texts); will be able to manage their digital presence. These are our learning 与技术素养相关的成果,以及我们专业内的各种课程介绍 our students to these, or reinforce them and permit opportunities for practice; demonstration of mastery is expected at the exit level (aka. the capstone). (Ia, Ic, IIb, IIc, IIIc, possibly IIId) 

Oral Communication

我们的学生在学习英语的过程中培养了口语交流的能力。 200, and 300 levels, a developmental arc that culminates with their capstone. We narrate 学生将能够做出有意义的贡献 to class discussions; will be able to hold discussions in smaller groups with minimal guidance of the instructor; will be able to prepare and deliver formal presentations; will be able to respond to questions about their work; will be able to recite portions of a text in class. These are our learning outcomes pertaining to oral communication, 我们专业的各种课程向我们的学生介绍或强化这些 them and permit opportunities for practice; demonstration of mastery is expected at the exit level (aka. the capstone). (IIc, IId, IIIc, IIId)

Written Communication

作为英语系,我们将书面交流视为跳动的心脏 of all that we do. We study the written communications of others, of one another, 我们写了很多,要求我们的学生讨论,批评他们的写作, 修改,完善他们的语法和散文风格,并发展他们的声音 writers of various kinds (critic, fictionist, nonfictionist, poet, and so forth). 当我们的学生不自己写作时,他们就会学习别人的写作. (Ia、Ic、活动花絮,IIc,国际教育协会,iii a,希望,IIIc, IIId——尽管每一个学院学习 goal could be listed here)