
标准及期望 for an 艺术历史 Paper

1. Standards and expectations for an art history paper

What does your art history professor expect in a paper?

First, read your instructor’s assignment carefully to determine any special requirements for particular assignments; those special requirements take precedence over the suggestions below; in general, we want papers to have the following:

  • an interesting and insightful title (a title page is not necessary, except for papers of substantial length); tip: isolate the key words and/or concepts in your thesis 语句,并用它们来创建一个简短的标题
  • 两倍行距
  • an easy to read, 10 to 12 character-per-inch font (neither "compressed" nor "expanded")
  • 1"边距
  • 页码
  • either foot- or endnotes, using Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition (unless you 另有指示)
  • a bibliography or works cited page (consult your professor as to which)
  • italicize or underline titles of works of art; do not put quote marks around them

We also expect papers to have these basic parts:


Your first paragraph introduces the concept, issues, or questions that form the subject of your paper; thus it includes a thesis statement presenting a brief overview of 你论文的论点. Further, it specifies how you will support this argument—what sort of evidence you will examine, whether visual or textual or of some other type—and notes what perspectives or explanations you will consider. 有了这些信息, you essentially set out for your reader the organization of your paper. 如果你的论文 focuses on a small number of specific works of art, include their titles (italicize titles or underline them) and, if known, their artists and dates. 如果可能的话,你的 paper should additionally include information such as original location and current location, medium, and size; sometimes that fits best in a foot- or endnote, unless the data forms an important part of your subsequent argument, in which case it belongs 在你的正文中. Develop your argument as if you are addressing an intelligent reader with a general knowledge of whatever your class is about.


Each paragraph contains evidence to support your thesis statement and forms a coherent unit focused on a single main element of that thesis; ordered in a logical sequence, paragraphs demonstrate the validity of your argument. 总结每一段的主要内容 point in your topic sentence, generally the first in the paragraph. 当你编辑你的 paper, check each paragraph to make sure that you have not included material in one 这句话更适合另一句. 在你的论证中,一定要考虑到 formal qualities of your work, along with elements of its content (e.g.,也就是说, iconography, original function) and its historical/cultural context.


Briefly summarize your principal arguments by referring to the ideas in your thesis statement, and explain how your analysis contributes to our understanding of the problem. While generally this is not the time to introduce completely new materials, you may wish to offer speculations as part of your conclusion, or suggest new directions for 进一步的研究.

2. 评分指引及期望


Papers will be graded for both form (clarity, accuracy, and persuasiveness of writing) and content (the quality of your research, if relevant, plus the thoughtfulness of your own ideas and contributions to the issues at hand).

Grade of "A": A clearly and persuasively written treatment of the your topic, thorough and insightful, with original and informative ideas based on careful research and/or 对所涉及的问题进行深思熟虑的重新评估. 写作不受语法的限制 or stylistic problems, but is notable for its clarity and verbal fluency.

Grade of "B": A good paper in most ways, but generally less thoughtful than “A” work 或者写得不那么成功. In a research paper, a student may clearly develop information about a topic rather than argue a thesis. 虽然写作风格可能 be less fluid or sophisticated than the “A” paper's, it remains quite competent and 简单易读的.

Grade of "C": An essay that demonstrates only some understanding of the assignment’s concepts or only partially succeeds in arguing a thesis; the writing may be comprehensible but often awkward, and grammatical errors make understanding it an effort.

Grade of "D": Seriously flawed work that lacks necessary understanding of the material 也无法清晰地表达出一个连贯的论点. 这样一篇论文可能严重依赖引文 and others' work, rather than developing original and thoughtful ideas. 写作 demonstrates carelessness through grammatical errors, mistaken wording, and/or typos.

Grade of "F": The paper fails to address the assignment in fundamental ways and likely 表现出缺乏努力的迹象.