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Skidmore College

University of Michigan's CRLT球员

Cuts: Responding to Student Climate Concerns

Friday, October 12
Part I: 10—12 p.m.
Lunch and Informal Networking: 12—2 p.m.
Part II: 2—4 p.m.

Snyder Hall, Siena College

Register to attend

CRLT球员Join the University of Michigan’s CRLT球员 for Cuts: Responding to Student Climate Concerns, a two-session series, that invites participants to think together about the many forces that can shape campus climate both positively and negatively. 建 around a series of vignettes that explore students’ experiences of marginalization, each session offers a space where participants can practice engaging in difficult conversations about and across differences in identity while also reflecting on their personal responsibilities to cultivating inclusive and equitable spaces within and outside of the classroom.

In Part I, participants will:

  • Analyze a series of bias incidents from the perspective of a targeted student
  • Reflect on their own experiences of marginalizing behavior - as target, aggressor, 或旁观者
  • 探索 strategies for intervening effectively when they observe marginalizing behavior and for responding productively when a concern about their own behavior is raised

In Part II, participants will:

  • Consider the impacts of an “isolated” bias incident on a targeted student
  • Reflect on the ways they listen to others’ stories about negative experiences of climate
  • Develop strategies for responding to concerns shared with them in ways that might mitigate rather than exacerbate existing climate concerns