

计划来学校? To enhance your trip, we’ve collected a few resources to ensure you have a great experience, including a few tips and tricks from current 学生.


Visitors are welcome on our campus and there are no requirements to register vehicles as long as they are parked during normal business hours and don’t remain on campus 在一夜之间. If you are attending an Open House or other special event, you will receive separate instructions for parking as part of your registration process. 所有其他的 visitors are invited to park in the dedicated lots near the 招生办公室 (No. 在我们的校园地图上.)


If you or your guests would benefit from assistance navigating campus or you have questions about various accomodations to make your visit comfortable, please call 我们的办公室518-580-5570或电子邮件 admissions@kingpaq.com and we'd be happy to talk through options. 



Skidmore is located just one mile north of downtown 萨拉托加温泉市. 不访问 campus is complete without some time spent exploring our hometown. 一定要 ask your tour guide for tips about where all the 学生 go for food, fun, and more. 



One option is Skidmore’s Surrey-Williamson客栈, adjacent to the Eissner 招生 Center. 预订, 访问酒店的网站 或致电518-580-8270. Be sure to mention you are visiting as a prospective student and family in order to receive a discount.

几家酒店、小旅馆和B&Bs are also within a short drive of campus. 对于一个完整的 列表, visit the Saratoga Convention and Tourism Bureau.



We encourage all visitors to use their campus visit as an opportunity to explore our on-campus dining options, including the Murray-Aikins Dining Hall and The Spa. 问 your tour guide when you arrive for more information. 
There are also more than 50 local restaurants within a few miles of campus. 我们建议 exploring those in downtown 萨拉托加温泉市 on and off Broadway, including those on Caroline, Phila, Spring and Henry Street. You may also be interested in venturing a few blocks off Broadway to the niche Beekman Street Arts District. 


Campus visit tips from Thoroughbred Ambassadors  

Student tour guides, known as Thoroughbred Ambassadors, give campus tours. 他们 also your student-to-student contact for tips and tricks that will make the most of 你在火博体育的经历. When it comes to planning your trip to Skidmore, they have 一些有用的建议. 

Take full advantage of your time with your tour guide. 把你所有的问题都带来. Even if there isn’t time during the tour, they’re often available before and after 也. Many of them are also happy to share their email address if something comes 后来. 问问!

Here are a few questions that go beyond “What do you think of Skidmore?”

  • What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
  • What’s the best class you’ve taken recently?
  • What do you know now that you wish you knew when you were applying to college?
  • Do people really think 创造性思维很重要?
  • How do people get around campus and town?

A significant part of Skidmore’s charm is the ever-lively 萨拉托加温泉市. 

  • 获取餐厅列表. Tour guides maintain a colorful list of restaurant recommendations. 不要离开 the 招生 Office without asking for a copy!
  • 参加一次5美元30分钟的游览. Downtown, in the heart of Congress Park, is one of the most convenient ways to learn 火博体育我们的小城市. The 萨拉托加温泉市 History Museum, in the Canfield Casino, tells the story of 萨拉托加温泉市 from its beginnings.
  • Leave time for a stop on your way out of town. 看看萨拉托加温泉州立公园. The historical landmark has biking and hiking trails and hosts the famous Roosevelt Baths, Hall of Springs and Saratoga Performing Arts Center.

Our award-winning Murray-Aikins Dining Hall provides nutritious and sustainable food while also functioning as a social hub for 学生 running between classes during the day or extracurriculars in the evening. Your tour guide will bring you through here, winding you through the many stations and delicious smells — Supremo’s for Pizza, Emily’s Garden for vegetarian dishes, The Diner for hot meals and more.

  • 吃块饼干. If you have a chance when you’re in “D-Hall,” grab a cookie. 是的,你可以有一个 (或两个). 是的,他们是惊人的. 
  • 不要只看食物. You’re there to check out the food. But campus dining spots are also great places 来看看热闹. 不仅仅是学生. Also look for our amazing and friendly 餐厅工作人员. 他们很想见见你.